Whether you're an online entrepreneur or a fortune enterprise... At eurointernet.com, we provide top quality shared, reseller hosting and cloud services in OS/CloudLinux environment with awesome prices since 2006.


Domain name (com, net, org)

Domain Name System (DNS)

Fully qualified domain name (FQDN)

Top-level domain (TLD)

Generic top-level domains

Country code top-level domain (ccTLD)

Domain name registrar

Dmain name registry

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers

DNS root zone

Root name server

Authoritative name server


Internet Protocol (IP)

Internet Protocol address (IP address)

Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA)

Name server

DNS zone transfer

Start of [a zone of] authority record

Caching name server

Recursive query

Dynamic DNS (DDNS or DynDNS)

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)

DNS hosting service

Web hosting service

Shared web hosting service

Reseller hosting

Virtual private server

Dedicated hosting service

Managed hosting service

Colocation service

Cloud hosting (cloud computing)

Clustered hosting

Grid hosting (grid computing)

Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP)

World Wide Web (WWW or the Web)

Web server

Web page

Static web page

Server-side dynamic web page

Web application

Scripting language

Programming language



Javascipt and Jquery

Apache HTTP Server

Nginx HTTP server

Mod security

Operating system (OS)

Linux as an operating system

Centos as a Linux distribution


MySQL as a database

MyISAM storage engine

InnoDB as storage engine

Differences between MyISAM and InnoDB

Cpanel and Web Host Manager

CloudLinux OS

Lightweight virtual environment

MySQL governor




PHP selector

Ruby selector

Python selector



Small shared hosting account

Small shared hosting account

Cpanel, 2 GB disk space, 20 email accounts and 4 databases. Please check all specifications...


Small reseller hosting account

Small reseller hosting account

WHM and Cpanel,  50 GB disk space, 50 domains to host and private nameservers.  Please ch..


Rapidssl SSL certificate (1 year)

Rapidssl SSL certificate (1 year)

Single domain, 1 year. Mostly be issued within minutes.....
